because you weren’t doing it alone!

Zesty Books will help step into the CFO role by creating sytems & habits,

and providing education,

all with the support of a bookkeeper.

What if bookkeeping was fun?

hi! I’m trish



Woman overwhelmed by finances
Green Check

Managing your books is something you avoid until you can’t ignore it any longer.

Green Check

Need bookkeepng support but you are putting all your efforts & resources into growing your business.

Green Check

You want to be more financially savvy but not sure where or how to begin.

Green Check

Exhausted from trying to do all the things, all the time, but outsourcing seems like a big expense and a lot of work.

then you need this


Brain Glyph Icon


A bookkeeper to turn to when you have questions. Support when things get confusing. Resources to take away the overwhelm.



Systemizing and scheduling financial time will make tax time a breeze. Your books will be organized and annual reports ready.

Money Bag Icon


Less expensive than hiring someone to manage your books for you, while providing support and financial education at a lower price point.

let’s do this together


Zesty Books

task lemonade


in this community you will

Green Check

Create a schedule for managing your books.

Green Check

Have access to a bookkeeper for answers to your questions and support.

Green Check

Bookkeeping and financial education resources.

Green Check

Lose the overwhelm and build your knowledge base with other entrepreneurs who are at the same stage.

They hold a strong sense of community

here's how we'll do it


CoWorking Schedule

Set times for you to put on your CFO hat and join the fun! Schedule time to manage your expenses, reconcile your accounts, or whatever needs your attention.


Resource Library

A library of resources is being built to provide financial education. From how-tos for your software, to quick info sheets, your knowledge will grow.

University Library Abstract Background


Office Hours with a Bookkeeper

In addition to co-working along side you, Trish will have regular office hours for you to privately ask questions about managing your financials.

Eyeglasses, Coffee and Calculator on an Office Desk
Office notebook with a pencil and a calculator on a yellow background
Cozy winter still life

What if This Could Be Your Reality?

Your books are organized.

Stress free tax season.

Monthly reports you not only understand, but are able to use

to plan and set goals.

A bunch of little things in place that can move your business

forward in big ways.

Hello there! I’m trish

let’s hang out

I started my business, Task Lemonade, with the goal of helping business owners thrive.

I have worked in the corporate world, in small businesses, and as a business owner. I bring my expertise from these different dynamics to support entrepreneurs as a bookkeeper and virtual assistant.

As a bookkeeper, I have found that most small business owners would love to outsource their bookkeeping but don’t have the budget for it. They rate managing their business financials as one of their biggest concerns, and indicate it is something they dislike about owning a business.

This is why I created Zesty Books,

not only to help you and your business thrive, but to create a space where

bookkeeping can be fun!

Snag This Bonus


FreshBooks Setup & Training

included for all founding members

$129 ​value

Testimonial Stars Icon

Trisha helped me develop proper systems and put them into play so that my business would run smoother. Now that I have less things to worry about I can focus on patient care and helping the business grow.

Smiling Masseur or Physiotherapist Standing Arms Folded in Massage Room of Modern Health Center

zack rushing, dc

Testimonial Stars Icon

Trisha is wonderful to work with. She is quick to respond, follows up on questions I have for which she doesn’t have an immediate answer., I would highly recommend her for small business owners who want to take the heavy lifting of bookkeeping off their plates!

Business Portrait of Young Woman

dena grunt

Testimonial Stars Icon

While managing our books Trisha worked with us to clarify and categorize our expenses. The year-end reporting was done in a timely matter and made tax time stress free.

I can wholeheartedly recommend Trisha to help other businesses.

Mid Adult Businessman at Work

bill cruz


Green Check
  • You are small business owner who needs support managing their books

  • You want to learn about business financials and become your own CFO

  • You are ready to scale your business and want to understand what your numbers tell you about your business

  • You are commited to learning about bookkeeping

  • You avoid managing your books
Traditional Holiday Element-22
  • You own a large business or SCorp and have support staff support

  • You do not want to learn about business financials

  • You are not interested in using your financial data to make decisions and scale your business

  • You are not ready to commit to learning about bookkeeping

  • You love crunching the numbers each month

Enroll Now to Become a Founding Member

growth plan


Community Access

best value

done with you

growth+ plan


Community Access + Monthly 1-1 Calls with Bookkeeper

You've Got Questions?

i've got answers


What is the time commitment?

You can stay a member as long as you need. There is no commitment. As long as you cancel prior to the next billing you will not be billed again. No refunds will be issued for charges prior to your cancellation.


Can I change from Growth+ down to Growth?

There is flexibility to change plans based on your needs. However, the Growth+ plan has a member limit so availability will vary. The pricing rate structure you enroll under will remain no matter which plan you change to. (ie: founding member Growth $69 & Growth+ $169 will be your structure no matter which plan you move to. )


Do I have to share my financial info for co-working?

You will never be asked to share any details about your business financials. There is no screen sharing or access to your financial information. With the Growth+ plan you have the option to add me as a user and share your screen while working 1-1.


How will you accommodate different time zones?

There will be office hours and co-working times that will work with all US time zones. If you are not in the US, please email me before signing up so that I can ensure we can meet your needs.

One great thing about becoming a founding member is you get to help decide the best times!

No time commitment, just

Month-to-Month as long as you need it.

I want you to love it

Piggy bank with glasses over yellow wooden wall

Will I See You There?

Building a space where we can have fun and learn together, while making sure you are able to take on the financial management of your business, is my goal.

Put on your CFO hat and find me there!

xo, trish

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task lemonade